Pioneering climate science R&D with industry in Norway to optimise microalgae bioproduction in climate controlled conditions.

Pioneering science R&D and technological advances in Norway  (Year: 2003-06) to optimise conditions for large-scale microalgae production in climate controlled greenhouses and developed an IT control system to maximise biomass growth.

Dr Jo Maloney (Sandnes)
Microalgae bioproduction
Dr Jo Maloney (Sandnes)

Publication 1: Springer

Journal of Applied Phycology (2005) 17: 515–525

Combined influence of light and temperature on growth rates of Nannochloropsis oceanica: linking cellular responses to large-scale biomass production.

Publication 2: Elsevier

Journal of Biotechnology: Volume 122, Issue 2, 2006, p209-215

Real-time monitoring and automatic density control of large-scale microalgal cultures using near infrared (NIR) optical density sensors.


Pioneering climate science R&D with industry in Norway (2003-06), to optimise microalgae bioproduction in climate controlled conditions.

R&D with Norwegian science and industry to optimise growth conditions and develop a control system for the large-scale production of microalgae in climate-controlled greenhouses – for the sustainable fisheries industry. This was a pioneering study between 2003-06 and one of the first global scientific studies using biofences for experimental R&D.  

Microalgae naturally converts waste water organics (nitrates/phosphates i.e the source of environmental pollution and eutrophication with CO2 during photosynthesis,  into nutritional molecules that can be used again in the food chain. This solution, not only reduces environmental pollution but converts unwanted waste (nitrogen) and mitigates CO2 emissions –  into a wide range of industrial applications and commercial products. 

Microalgal carbon conversion technology presents an opportunity to recycle waste and mitigate CO2, in a wide range of industrial applications including amongst other, the production of: Biofuel; Biohydrogen; Remediation of wastewater and waste heat; Livestock feed; Aquaculture/sustainable fisheries feed; PUFA fatty acids, Fertilizers; Pharmaceutical products, High-value Phyco-Pigments. 

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